And hot on the heels of Samsung's Mango news, HTC has announced they're bringing their surprisingly thin HTC Titan to AT&T with Windows Phone 7.5 in tow. We first learned about the Titan at a fan event in London, and its specs are impressive, most obviously that 4.7" WVGA screen. Unlike the Samsung offerings, HTC's Snapdragon variant will be clocked at 1.5 GHz, though only one core remains on hand. The Titan will be available during the fourth quarter on AT&T, and Mango will be pushed to HTC's earlier Windows Phone devices, the Surround and the HD7S, during the same time frame. We'll have a hands on as soon as we can and will update as news comes about pricing. 



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  • LauRoman - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link

    HTC ain't got nothing on this:
  • quiksilvr - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link

    Fake and gay!
  • ImSpartacus - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link

    Anybody else a little suspicious of 800x480 on a 4.7" screen? I know that's the only supported resolution for WP7, but it doesn't seem like enough to fill a 4.7" screen.

    You guys feeling ok about enormous pixels?
  • Spivonious - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link

    It's still close to 200dpi.
  • Aloonatic - Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - link

    I remember when people were happy with 480 lines on a 20 something inch TV. Those were the days :o)

    I'd be interested to see the screen myself though. At that sort of size I would imagine that you could comfortably read text on it while holding it at a distance, rather than right under your nose as many people seem to love to do with their phones at the moment.
  • Belard - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link

    4" screens are already... a bit too big, not so much the screen but the body around it. When they can get the screen to the edge with a 4" screen, a phone shouldn't be much bigger.

    Sure, for women with purses - a big-ass phone is fine, but for us American guys - it usually goes into our pockets.

    Thickness IS NOT a problem with phones. Its the width! My Samsung Galaxy is 1/3 thinner than my last SONY slider phone, but its a 3/4 of an inch wider and I can't tell which side is up because of its body design.

    How about put some speakers on the FRONT end of the phone, so we can actually hear the sounds or alarms.
  • Omega215D - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link

    I have a phone with a 4.3" screen and it fits into my pockets just fine, but then again I refuse to wear "trendy" skinny jeans. Many phones with 4.5" screens aren't that much bigger, just makes the device a little longer. This can be a plus as it puts the microphone closer to the mouth. I haven't seen a 4.7" screen in person yet so I'll hold off on judgement.
  • sigmatau - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link

    4.7" too big? Nope.

    3.5" is too small though. 4.3" screens are gorgeous. You don't have to squint to see stuff or hold your phone up to your face for smaller print.
  • minijedimaster - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link

    What are you 54?
  • Alexvrb - Monday, September 12, 2011 - link

    Maybe he uses his phone to surf the web and read articles on non-mobile-friendly sites. Having a bigger screen means less zooming and scrolling around, and more content in general on the screen without it being super tiny.

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