Intel's Pentium 4 600 Series running Windows XP x64

Although it wasn't heavily advertised, Intel had a 925XE system running the new Pentium 4 600 series with a 2MB L2 cache in their booth. As you undoubtedly know by now, the Pentium 4 600 series is still a 90nm Prescott but with twice the L2 cache, EMT64 (x86-64) support as well as all of the features available in the current 500 series.

The Pentium 4 600 demo system

Quite possibly the most interesting part of the demo was that it was running a version of Windows XP x64, a feature that we've never really seen Intel promote much publicly.

64-bit Windows XP in a public Intel demo? We thought we'd never see the day


The demo wasn't anything too impressive; it was a demo of a Nikon D2H camera with a massive 802.11 cradle that attached to the base of the camera and FTPed images as they were taken to the Pentium 4 6xx system running Windows XP x64.

A normal Nikon D2H...

With a massive 802.11 base stuck on to it, not too elegant. Eventually Nikon will integrate the wireless functionality into their cameras.

Dual Core at 3.0GHz - Working Now Intel's Sonoma Platform
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  • thraxes - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link

  • bhtooefr - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link

    Me like the Shuttle set-top...

    Now, can we just get more ordinary P-M boards?
  • Chuckles - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link

    Was VIA demoing their processors and boards?
  • miketheidiot - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link

    efficeon looked good, to bad transmeta might be going belly up.
  • linuxOwnzIfUrLeet - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link

    "we had a 46" samsung and gave it right back, viewing from the side looks dark"

    Do you know anything about plasma vs DLP?

    DLP's only life problem is you'll have to buy a new bulb.

    plasma's problem is that it will continue to go darker and darker until the gas runs out of energy.

    You don't like the dark of dlp you aint gonna like the dark of plasma.


    Plasma - can't change the gas- no refills - no recharging. Continue to get darker picture.

    Dlp - change a bulb.

    Plasma - spend lots of money know and throw away soon.

    Today, I can get a 76" dlp for $1400 with <2cm display thickness.
  • Illissius - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link

    "The Radeon X800 will be available in the first week of February"
    That's odd. What's this, then?
  • Ardan - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link

    Thanks for that link :D. I thought those MGE cases looked great as well and made me interested in what they have been making lately.
  • KristopherKubicki - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link


  • Houdani - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link

    Was the second image on the very last page messed up for anyone else? I could only see the top 10% of the image and the rest was blacked out. The image is supposed to show the MGE cases. The text just above the image is...

    "MGE also demonstrated a more sleek lineup of cases, a welcome change from the overly busy gaming cases that we've seen far too much of lately:"
  • snorre - Monday, January 10, 2005 - link

    "The entire Sound Storm division at NVIDIA has been shut down and thus NVIDIA's Intel solution will have HD Audio support, but we will not see the return of Dolby Digital Encoding support or NVIDIA's Sound Storm DSP."

    I don't believe this for a second. Can someone please confirm or deny this claim? Thanks!

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